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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Cloud Computing Can Help Educational Institutions????

Link us to: http://sn.im/cloud-education
As the Internet is evolving tremendously, it makes it easier to communicate and collaborate with other nowadays. This evolution has also contributed to the world of IT by providing low-cost and free technology services for publishing, collaborating, social interaction, editing, content creation and computing. Hence, this is an advantage to all students as they are able to use this internet technology in their learning process.
The Cloud Computing is able to provide services such as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), which allows user to use computer application without having to purchase, install, or run software’s on their local computers or server. This means the software is being hosted remotely and the data is stored remotely. Moreover, users pay according to how much and how regularly they use the services.
Therefore, by implementing Cloud Computing in educational institutions, they can provide schools, colleges and universities with good education technology at a affordable price because they don’t have to purchase software only for single user, invest on a technology that possible will be outdated in time to come, or spend money on technical support . Furthermore, cloud computing service is flexible as it is scalable this is because Cloud computing allows you to extent as demands come and go or increase. Lastly, students and teachers are able to easily access and store data or any applications easily from anywhere as in cloud computing services are made publicly available.
Below is a short video on Cloud Computing for Education:

Hence do you thing Cloud Computing should be implemented in educational institution???

Internet reference:
Cloud Computing for Education,[Online],Retrieved on 28 September 2010.

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