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Monday, September 27, 2010

How Cloud Computing will Change Business?

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In 1990, in a keynote speech at the Comdex computer conference, Microsoft's (MSFT) then-chief executive, Bill Gates said, the world needed three things:
1. a more "personal" personal computer
2. more powerful communications networks
3. easy access to a broad range of information

Now, Bill Gates grand vision has finally become a reality only for businesses. While what pieces Bill Gates had in mind have been available for years, just they were expensive and hard to set up and use. Now more personal PC is here in the smart-phones form and mini-laptops form, and wireless networks make people possible to be connected almost anytime and anywhere their want. At the same time, we knowing and seeing the rise of cloud computing, the vast array of interconnected machines managing the data and software that used to run on PCs. Combine of mobile and cloud technologies is shaping up to be one of most significant advances computing universe in decades.

For IBM(International Business Machines), the change begins with encouraging its 400,000 employees to use tools that it has created based on consumer social-networking sites. After IBM tests new consumer-like cloud computing capabilities internally, it launches them as services for customers.

One of the most promising aspects of cloud computing is it enables the creation of so-called virtual personal assistants. These software confections know people's interests and needs and go off and do useful things for them on the Internet, like suggesting a restaurant for a client meeting or offering reminders of where you have taken the client before. With GPS(Global Positioning System) in smart-phones, computing systems know where we are. And with artificial intelligence software, computers can be taught what we expect of them and how to anticipate our needs.

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