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Welcome to iCloud9!!! iCloud 9 is a blog all about Cloud Computing. Feel Free to leave comments!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Analysis Post Week 11

This week’s poll question is on “Do you think Cloud Computing will be more popular in the future?” We have received several votes from our guests. Based on the poll results, this is simplified version of the results in a pie chart form.

Following are the option and the percentage of total votes for each choice, below:

A) Yes. Because it brings a lot of benefits. 46% (6 Votes)

B) No. It doesn't help much. 15% (2 Votes)

C) Maybe not so soon. Even though it is useful, it still needs time for public to familiarize with it. 38%
(5 Votes)

From the pie chart above we can clearly see that the choice with the highest number of votes is the first option. Which means users agree that cloud computing has its advantage. This shows the users have understood about cloud computing, its applications and function. Thus, they find it very useful. Furthermore, these groups of user must be profound users of the Internet, by using this cloud computing technology it changes the entire way of using the Internet by making it easier to access data, share data, store data and many more. Users also are able to save cost as they only have to pay per use. Hence, there is no doubt user agree that cloud computing brings benefits.

The second option is “No. It doesn’t help much” which had a vote of 2. This must be because this group of user are not very familiar with this cloud computing technology or not happy with the evolution of a new technology. This is also because evolution of new technology may require user to learn the features and how to use the technology. Moreover, this group of users may just want to stick to their comfort zone which is still use the conversional method of accessing data, sharing data, storing data and many more.

The third option is the second highest vote. This group of user may want some time to use and explore the cloud computing applications before fully implement it. They might also want to consider solving other issues related to cloud computing such as security features and the bandwidth speed before utilizing it.

Finally, we appreciate and would like to thank all of you who participated in this last poll and always stood by us with your support. What do you think of this analysis post?? Please do share your opinion.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cloud Computing Application-Box.net

Link to us: http://sn.im/ccbox

In this post what we going to share in the Box.net cloud computing application. As it work like a giant box that size similar in cloud that it can storage a lot of thing. In Box it got a few feature that help users in many way. Here are 6 main features that it supplies for user to use that is:

  1. Sharing and managing content
  2. Project collaboration and workflow
  3. Content search and discovery
  4. Sync desktop files to Box
  5. Mobile access
  6. Extensibility and third-party apps

Here a video show all the features:-

If you interested you can try for trial version for 14 days.



Note: Post edited on 3rd of November 2010 (correction done to typo error)

Monday, October 25, 2010

ShowDocument-Web Meeting and Document Sharing

This week would be our last week for posting, so for this week , we are going to introduce you to some Cloud Computing Applications. For this post we are introducing ShowDocument. We have mentioned about ShowDocument before in previous posts but have never gone into detail about it. So for this post, we will show you some screenshots and explain a little on what it does.

There are two major types of services provided, which is ShowDocument - Now and ShowDocument - In Site. ShowDocument - Now is real-time web meetings and online document sharing for personal and business users, whereas ShowDocument - InSite is for online documents sharing and web meetings for websites.

Here is the screenshot of ShowDocument:
Diagram 1.1: Screenshot of ShowDocument Homepage

(Screenshot from ShowDocument.com)

In the homepage of ShowDocuments.com, users can choose from 4 shortcut links to start the applications they want to use. Each shortcut launches a different application. Below are the screenshots of the launched applications and the descriptions for each shortcut :

Diagram 1.2: Screenshot of Quick Start launch

Quick Start : Launches another interactive window where users can select from a list of applications.

Diagram 1.3: Screenshot of Shared Documents launch

Shared Documents: Allows users to upload and share documents or files instantly.

Diagram 1.4: Screenshot of Shared Whiteboard Launch

Shared Whiteboard: Provides users with a real-time interactive whiteboard to exchange ideas with other users.

Diagram 1.5: Screenshot of Word/Text Shared Editor

Word/Text Shared Editor: Allows users to communicate or collaborate among each other by editing and modifying text files simultaneously.

There is also a My Documents section for users to upload files or documents and store them online and integrated chat features. These are the summary of the services provided in ShowDocument.com. ShowDocument provides free registration for users. Users can use the applications and services for free by just registering. Thus, with all the provided functions, it is suitable for both personal and also business uses. So what do you think about ShowDocument.com? Is there a better cloud computing website? For more information, please visit the official website -> ShowDocument


Online Reference:

ShowDocument Official Website, ShowDocument, Retrieved on October 2010.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Analysis Post Week 10

Link to us: http://snipurl.com/analysis10

Last week's poll was on " Which do you think is a bigger issue on Cloud Computing?" . Visitors have voted and the results are analysed. A total of 25 visitors have participated in the poll. Below is a pie chart of the results of the poll (Blogger is having maintenence and we cannot upload images. We are sorry if there are inconvenience caused. We will upload a better pie chart when blogger is back to normal. For the time being, click on the pie chart to see the pie chart clearly)  :

Here are the options and their respective results:
A) Privacy (44% with 11 votes)
B) Availability (40% with 10 votes)
C) Legal issues (0% with 0 votes)
D) Software/ Application Security (16% with 4 votes)

Privacy option has the most votes over the other options. The option with the second most votes is Availability. Next is followed by Software/ Application Security and lastly Legal issues. It seems that most users are mostly concerned about privacy issues when using Cloud Computing technology.

This shows that most users agreed that privacy issue is one of the most critical issue of Cloud Computing.This is because privacy issues are one of the most important issues to be considered before using any kind of technology. Users are worried that their personal or confidential information might be spread through the Internet. This is unsafe for users because it makes them to be easily targeted by cyber criminals.

Availability is also another popular Cloud Computing issues among users. This is because one of the major reasons for using Cloud Computing is its availability to access the data stored in the 'cloud' anywhere, anytime. If the 'cloud' server isn't always available and often have access problems, then users rather use the traditional way to store files.

Most users do not consider legal issues first because safety and security is the most important and critical issue. Thus, there are zero votes for Legal issues.

Some users use Cloud Computing mainly to gain access to cloud applications or softwares. Some organizations also implemented cloud applications that can be used by staffs and customers. Therefore, it is important that the cloud applications are safe, so that no confidential information is leaked out.

Do you agree with the results and analysis?? If not, what do you think??

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Google Cloud Print

Link to us: http://sn.im/cloudprint

Google Chrome Operating System has come up with “Google Cloud Print” concept to ensure that users experience printing from web application is as usual as printing from conventional applications. Furthermore, with creation of web-connected mobile devices, it is not practical to have massive print subsystems and print drivers for various platforms. Hence, Google Corporation mentioned that

“Our goal is to build a printing experience that enables any app (web, desktop, or mobile) on any device to print to any printer anywhere in the world.”

In order to achieve their goal, Google Corporation came up with the idea of a cloud print service, whereby applications do not local operating system and drivers to print. The diagram below shows various applications use Google Cloud Print to submit and manage print jobs. The task of Google Cloud Print is to send the printing job to the right printer, providing the particulars the users have selected with the job status to the application.

Diagram: Shows various application use Google Cloud Print
(Image retrieved from Google Cloud Print (Labs) - Google Code
on 19th October 2010)

What do you think about the idea of integrating Google Cloud Print in Google Chrome???


Internet reference:

Google Cloud Print (Labs) - Google Code, [Online], Retrieved 19th October 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cloud Computing Security

Every global application have its own security feature as it will tell user whether what security feature their have in the term and condition.

Here is some securities that cloud computing provide:

Data Protection - protect one user data by separate for other user that use same cloud computing.

Identity Management - having a unique of its own system to control access information and computing resources for users to secure their data.

Physical and Personnel Security - sufficiently secure by physical machines and users data are not only restricted but the access is documented.

Availability - assure users have their regular and predictable access to their data and application

Application Security - to measures the product environment by using application firewall as service  via the cloud are secure through realizing test and acceptance procedures for outsourced/packaged application code.

Privacy - ensure important data such as credit card number are masked/hidden that only authorized users can access to the data entirely.

Here is some related post that might interested you:

http://vimeo.com/11686394 by Novell,lnc.

So, do you think Cloud Computing is safe?? Is it okay to entrust our personal and private details to an unknown server??

Online Reference:

InfoWorld, Cloud Computing Security Risks, Retrieved on October 2010.
URL: http://www.infoworld.com/d/security-central/gartner-seven-cloud-computing-security-risks-853

CloudSecurityAlliance, Sampling of issues we are addressing. Retrieved on October 2010.
URL: http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/issues.html#ediscovery

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Analysis Post Week 9

Link to us: http://sn.im/analysis9

Here was the week 9 analysis that shows how confidence our visitor know cloud computing whether help the environment with the title “Can Cloud Computing help the environment?”. Below have shown the result by using pie chart:

From the pie chart:
13 out of 31 visitors have been votes “Yes. Cloud Computing saves resources.” as it took highest percentage that is 42%.

“No. Cloud Computing has nothing to do with the environment.” Was get lowest percentage and votes that is 10% and 3 votes.

5 out of 31 visitors have been votes “Maybe. I think it has something to do with the environment.” as it took out 17% of the chart.

And 9 out of 31 visitors have votes for “I don’t know.” as it took out second highest votes percentage that is 31% over 100%.


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