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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Analysis Post Week 2

Link to us: http://sn.im/pollanalysis2

This will be our second poll question analysis results, which is “Who do you think will conquer Cloud Computing?”. We have received 11 votes from our guests. To ease the view of the results, we have simplified the results into a pie chart as below:

Each percentage of votes are shown below:

A) Microsoft (2 Votes – 18%)

B) Google (5 Votes – 45%)

C) Amazon (1 Votes – 9%)

D) Oracle (0 Votes – 0%)

E) IBM (3 Votes – 27%)

From the pie chart, we can clearly see that Google has the highest percentage in the votes which covers 45% of the total. Why is Google the highest voted company???? This is mainly because most of the end users are familiar with Google as a search engine web site. Users can easily search anything from it just by typing in the keyword. The second highest percentage of votes that cover 27% is IBM (International Business Machine). IBM is well known for its contribution in computer system, hardware, software and IT services. Microsoft is the third highest voted company which covers 18% in the pie chart. This is because not many users know about what Microsoft truly, when we say about Microsoft users only think about it application software (e.g. Microsoft office) and operation software. Those who voted Microsoft may believe it might have the chance to conquer cloud computing compared to the first and second highest vote. On the other hand, Amazon has one vote which makes it 9% in the pie chart showing that this person believe Amazon might someday lead in cloud computing as everyone will need to go to Amazon to order not just e-books but also other items from it. It was surprise that Oracle has no votes. Through our view, it might be because not many people know about Oracle.

Finally, we appreciate and would like to thank all of you who participated in the last poll. We sincerely hope that you will continue to participate in our future polls. For those who did not participate in the previous poll, what would you have chosen? Was it the one you are familiar with or you already have your own answer?


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